Dear Fort Hill Members and Friends,

As we continue to deal with the multiplicity of challenges presented by federal and state responses to the coronavirus, I want to provide an update on how Fort Hill United Methodist Church is being impacted:

  • Worship: Onsite worship has been canceled for the remainder of March by Bishop Lewis.  There will be online worship that is a blend of scripture, message, prayer, and music on March 22 and 29 and subsequent Sundays as determined by any additional cancellations.  Access to Fort Hill’s online worship is available on Our WebsiteFacebookand YouTube
  • Congregational Care: Weekly contact by phone is being made with congregation members and friends who live alone, recently had a loved one die, or have health concerns.  Should you, or someone you know, need assistance in obtaining groceries, prescriptions, or have other critical needs, please contact Janet Hawkins (Minister of Congregational Care) at 434-907-4810 or me at 804-221-9051.
  • Church Meetings:  All church meetings are postponed until further notice in compliance with the request to limit the size of gatherings to a maximum of 10 people.
  • Church Office Hours:  Church office hours have been adjusted to 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Monday through Friday until onsite worship and church meetings resume.
  • Giving:  Persons may mail their tithes and offerings to 106 Oakridge Boulevard, Lynchburg, VA 24502 or bring their tithes and offerings to the church office during office hours to assist with the ongoing budget requirements of Fort Hill.

I invite us to join together in prayer each day at noon for persons around the world whose lives are being impacted by this pandemic.  While the challenges of this pandemic are great, God is greater.

As always, I am grateful for the privilege of serving as pastor of Fort Hill.

In Christ’s Service,


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