Participating in The Jesse Tree
What is the Jesse Tree? Isaiah 11:1 states, “A shoot shall come out of the stock of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots.” Jesse is an ancestor of Jesus. Using a tree of your choice you can place an ornament on the tree each day of Advent and trace the story of Jesus from creation to his birth.
The Jesse tree began in the Middle Ages with the use of stained glass windows. People were illiterate, meaning they couldn’t read the Bible. The windows were used as a way to teach the story of the Bible and trace the history to the birth of Jesus.
Go to > printable ornaments. The ornaments can be printed either to be colored or already colored. This is a great way to share the stories of the Bible with your family. Begin on the first day of Advent until Christmas Day.
November 29 The Jesse Tree stump Isaiah 11:1-2
November 30 Creation of humans Genesis 1:26-31
December 1 The Fall of Adam and Eve Genesis 3
December 2 Noah’s Ark Gen 6:11-14; 7:17-8:3; 9:8-13
December 3 The Promised Land Genesis 12:1-7
December 4 God’s promise to Abraham Genesis 15:1-6
December 5 Abraham sacrifices Issac Genesis 22:1-14
December 6 Jacob’s dream Genesis 28:10-22
December 7 Joseph Genesis 37:1-36
December 8 The Ten Commandments Deut 5:1-22
December 9 Ruth and Boaz Ruth 2:1-4:12
December 10 God chooses David to be King 1 Samuel 16:1-15
December 11 David crowned King 2 Samuel 5:1-5
December 12 Solomon builds God’s temple 1 Kings 5:5; 6
December 13 Elijah & God’s triumph over Baal 1 Kings 18:17-24, 36-39
December 14 Esther saves her people Esther 4
December 15 Isaiah’s prophecy of a Savior Isaiah 9:2-7
December 16 Isaiah’s prophecy of the Second Coming Isaiah 11:6-9
December 17 Jonah and the whale Jonah 3:1-5
December 18 Daniel and the Lion’s Den Daniel 6
December 19 Prophecy of the Savior born in Bethlehem Micah 5:1-5
December 20 Elizabeth and Zechariah Luke 1:5-25
December 21 John the Baptist Matthew 3:1-6
December 22 God chooses Mary Luke 1:26-38
December 23 Angel appears to Joseph Matthew 1:18-25
December 24 Mary and Joseph go to Bethlehem Luke 2:1-5
December 25 JESUS IS BORN Luke 2:6-21