LEADER: Meriel Wiley
CONTACT EMAIL: secretary@forthillumc.com
CONTACT PHONE: (434) 847-1251
WHEN: TBA: Once a month Christian church activities and events. Time varies according to activity.
WHERE: TBA: location varies according to activity.
Initially, this dynamic ministry was formed to program service, fellowship and educational opportunities for senior adults. However, the purpose of JOY has expanded to intentionally include intergenerational church activities and Christian events near you that span the generations.
You never know what activities this fun-loving team might come up with. Some of the previous activities include:
- Day trips
- Bringing in musical talent from outside the church
- Providing care packages for college students
- Collecting coats, hats, gloves for the homeless
- Planning churchwide picnics
- Providing childcare for young families
- Setting up wellness programs
- Visiting Gleaning for the World, Miriam’s House and Society of Saint Andrew
The list goes on and on! If you want to be where the action is, tune in to JOY ministry!
For more information about the JOY Ministry contact us at secretary@forthillumc.com.