SHORT BIBLE STUDY: The Story of Light in the Bible

The story and meaning of light is the story of the Bible. It’s the story of faith in God, who was, and who is, and whoever shall be.  

In the first book in the Bible, Genesis, the first chapter tells of creation through the context of the days of the week. It is on the first day of the week that God speaks to darkness and says, “Let there be light and there was light.” It’s not until the fourth day of the week, however, that God creates the heavens, the sun, the moon, and the stars. Why would God create light on the first day, but not have the Sun or the moon until the fourth day? It is to teach us that God is the source of light, God is the source of creation, God is the author of eternity.  

Revelation is the last book of the Bible and in chapter 22:5 we hear of how there is no need for a lamp or sun because God will be the light of life for eternity.  The story of light is the story of God, the story of faith in God.  

The psalmist in Psalm 27:1 states “the Lord is my light and my salvation”. 

In the fifth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus, in “The Sermon on the Mount” teaches that we are to let our light shine. 

In the eighth chapter of the Gospel of John, Jesus states that he “…is the light of the world and that whoever follows him will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” 

The Story of light is the story of faith in God who was in the beginning, who is now, and whoever shall be. What does the story of light mean in the Bible?  It is the story of our salvation.