It can be difficult in the technology-saturated culture we live in today to connect and feel a real sense of community. As a faith-based community bible fellowship church, we at Fort Hill United Methodist Church believe in providing every individual the opportunity to come together in worship, study, prayer, ministry, and fellowship. We feel it is important to join with one another to pursue a sincere connection with God and members of our community.
There are many ways to connect at Fort Hill United Methodist Church such as a fellowship group. You can learn more about some of the ways to connect below.
Acts 29 Prayer Group
Based on Dr. Terry Teykl’s book Acts 29: Fifty Days of Prayer to Invite the Holy Spirit, this prayer and group meets every Monday from 10 am to 11 am.
United Methodist Women Circles
Fort Hill United Methodist Church has three United Methodist Women circles, each with its own area of emphasis, distinctive projects, and opportunities for spiritual growth. Being a Bible fellowship church, a normal circle meeting includes fellowship, prayer, and updates on project progress.
Wise Moon Circle, 1st Tuesday of the month at 12:00 pm.
Marth Circle, 1st Tuesday of the month at 1:00 pm.
Genesis Circle, 1st Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm.
UMW Book Club
The Fort Hill United Methodist Women’s book club group is made up of women who love to read good books and discuss them over lunch. The book club meets the 4th Wednesday of the month at 1:00 pm.
As a Bible fellowship church, Fort Hill UMC also has a selection of groups and ministries that allow you to connect with others in service and classes in Lynchburg, VA. Check out some of our additional opportunities to connect with others below:
The Fellowship Class
The Discovery Class
The Forrest Oglesby Class
JOY Ministry
Park View Community Mission