Dear Fort Hill Members and Friends,
I trust that Sunday was a blessed Easter as you remembered the presence of the living Christ in your lives. I am forwarding the attached message from Virginia Conference Bishop Sharma Lewis regarding the continuing suspension of on-site worship through June 10 as required by decree of Gov. Northam. While this is not easy news to receive, I understand the importance of being in compliance as the potential for harm from COVID-19 is flattened.
As we continue in these challenging times, I want to state how grateful for the faithful support of our congregation through prayer and giving as we witness to the good news of a risen Savior. As a reminder, online worship is available each Sunday, along with other posted information and videos, on Our Website, Facebook, and YouTube.
If there are ways our congregation might be in ministry with you in the time that is ahead, please call upon me.
May the peace of God which passes all understanding keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge of God’s love.
In Christ’s Service,
Marc Brown
Bishop Lewis’s Message –