Each month, we are featuring church members in our newsletter who have responded to Pastor Marc’s invitation to share their favorite Bible verses that provide inspiration and strength for their lives. Our first response came from Joan Shook; thanks for sharing Joan!

“At first I thought, ‘I have so many…’ But then I remembered that there is one that always brings tears to my eyes. Sometimes I cannot get through reading it aloud.

The back story: After my husband died, I was speaking with my pastor, probably wondering if I was beginning to doubt my faith. His words have never left me. “Joan, the apostles did not pass along to us just the words of Jesus. They passed along their EXPERIENCE of the risen lord.”

Read the first words of the prologue to John’s Gospel, “In the beginning was the Word…” then jump to verse 14: “And the Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us; and WE HAVE SEEN HIS GLORY, the glory of the Father’s only Son, full of Grace and Truth.”

During the month of March, we will travel the journey of Lent at Fort Hill. This is the season of the Christian year that compels us forward as we live with faith in remembering Jesus’ journey to the cross. As we travel through Lent, I invite us to experience Jesus.”

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