Pentecost was a world changing day as people from around the world gathered in Jerusalem to observe the Feast of Weeks. Pronounced in Hebrew as Shavuot, the Feast of Weeks is one of seven festivals in the 23rd chapter of Leviticus that orders the Jewish year. Shavuot marks the conclusion of two other Jewish festivals – the Passover season in which the events of the Exodus were recalled and the Feast of First Fruits that marked the beginning of the spring barley harvest and lasted for 49 days. Shavuot signals the end of the 49 days of the spring Feast of First Fruits and the beginning of the summer wheat harvest. The Greek name that signaled the end of the 49 days of the Feast of First Fruits and the beginning of the summer wheat harvest is Pentecost, which means fifty.

Pentecost was a world-changing day s people from every nation under heaven discovered that whether you live with God’s presence in your life or try to hide from God’s presence in your life, there is nowhere in the world where you can escape the presence of God.

There were four world-changing things that happened on the Day of Pentecost.

The first world-changing thing that happened was the Holy Spirit dancing like fire on the heads of the disciples as they shared the message of Jesus as they were empowered to proclaim the message of salvation through Christ.

The second world-changing thing that happened was the disciples became apostles as they preached for all the world to hear about Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection and became apostles (witnesses to the reality of the risen Christ).

The third world-changing thing that happened was how the people heard the same message of Jesus in their own native languages.

The fourth world-changing thing that happened was that the presence of the Holy Spirit was not confined to one individual as was the biblical understanding prior to Pentecost but instead was present to empower all people through Pentecost.

Pentecost was a world-changing day. How is Pentecost changing your world today?

A World-Changing Day

by Pastor Marc Brown
May 19, 2024

Accompanying Scriptures: Acts 2:1-21

Fort Hill United Methodist Church
Order of Worship for May 19, 2024

Scripture Lesson      Acts 2:1-21

The Good News      “A World-Changing Day”

Music                          “Spirit of the Living God” Hymn #393



Closing Music      “O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing” arr. Lloyd Larson

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