Dear Fort Hill Members and Friends,
As we live in the reality of the coronavirus and the governor’s request to work from home as much as possible, the days and hours for onsite personnel in the church office have been adjusted to Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. On Tuesday and Thursday, Jeanette and I will work from home and will be available via the following telephone numbers: Jeanette at 434-239-9988 and Marc at 804-221-9051.
In compliance with the governor’s directions to limit groups to no more than 10 people, church meetings will continue to be canceled until the ban has been lifted. In addition, online worship will continue for Fort Hill as we connect with each other through our faith in the living Christ. You may access online worship on Our Website, Facebook, and YouTube.
Thank you to so many who have responded generously to the ongoing financial needs of our congregation by mailing or bringing your tithes and offerings to the church office. I am inspired by your faithfulness.
As we continue to live into a future that is yet to be defined, I am confident that the God of our salvation is greater than any challenge we may face. If you need assistance or know of someone who may need assistance, with picking up or purchasing groceries or prescriptions, please call me.
I am grateful and humbled to be the pastor of Fort Hill. Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
In Christ’s Service,
Marc Brown
Marc Brown
Pastor, Fort Hill United Methodist Church
106 Oakridge Blvd.
Lynchburg, VA 24502
(434) 847-1251