Dear Fort Hill Members and Friends,
In-person worship will resume this Sunday, August 23, at 10:30 a.m. In preparation for this worship, I want to let you know of some requirements we will be implementing for the safety of those who choose to worship. Prior to entering the sanctuary, worshipers will have their temperatures taken by a scan thermometer and attest they have not been exposed to a person with COVID-19 within the last 14 days. In addition, persons shall not exhibit any symptoms of COVID-19. Registration of worshipers will be done as they enter the church in case it is necessary for persons to be contacted following worship. Please note that advance registration to worship is not necessary.
Worshipers will be required to wear masks and practice social distancing of six feet. As part of social distancing, seating will be at the end of pews as guided by greeters. Families may sit together. To assist with social distancing, seating will be done on the pulpit side of the sanctuary first.
There will be no singing during worship as part of the protective measures. Instrumental music will be part of the worship experience.
Please do not attend if you are not feeling healthy, have a temperature of 100, or do not feel comfortable with participating in in-person worship at this time.
Online worship will continue to be offered on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. and will include the same sermon as the in-person worship service. Please contact me if you have questions about in-person or online worship. It continues to be my privilege to serve as a partner in the Gospel of Jesus Christ with you.
In Christ’s Service,